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Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Migraines, and Traumatic Brain Injury

Learning Disability and Dyslexia Testing

Learning Disability and Dyslexia Testing at The Brain Clinic. A learning disability is determined when a person has a learning function (such as reading) that is significantly below average compared to the general population. There must be problems in more than one setting, such as work, school and/or home.

Learning disability evaluations administered at the Brain Clinic include:

  • comprehensive reading assessments
  • examinations of the underlying cognitive processeses
  • phonological processing assessments
  • memory functioning assessments
  • processing speed assessments

A learning disability evaluation consists of the following:

  • an overall intelligence battery, including tests like the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-V (WISC-V) or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV)
  • achievement tests which measure underlying cognitive problems, such as the Woodcock-Johnson Battery-IV (WJ-IV)

Dyslexia is the most common learning disability, comprising about 85% of people who have a learning disability. Other forms of learning disabilities exist, and the evaluation can be tailored to assess them. For example, a nonverbal learning disability is often associated with poor math and visual reasoning abilities as compared to the general population. Usually additional testing needs to be done in these cases.

Learning Disability Evaluations May Be Tax Deductible

What is dyslexia?

What are the causes of learning disabilities?

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Learning Disability and Dyslexia Testing

Learning Disability and Dyslexia Testing