The patient who has had cardiac bypass surgery is usually not warned about possible cognitive problems after the surgery, and thus the person can sink into a depression because they do not understand why they cannot function the way they used to. Sometimes there is tremendous fatigue, especially in the late afternoon (this can also happen with a mild head injury). Sometimes apparent memory problems are experienced, far out of proportion to their memory problems before the surgery.
Since there are thousands of such surgeries every year, there must be many, many cases which are similar to those described above. Even if there has been some resulting brain damage as a result of the surgery, there is some hope: There is a new treatment called neurofeedback which might be able to help “tune up the brain” to some extent. Information about this can be found by downloading the EEG Biofeedback manual here.
The following bibliography provides references about the cognitive problems which occur after cardiac by-pass surgery. It was compiled in 2006 to convince an insurance company that the patient in question was not suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, but had suffered a brain injury from his cardiac bypass operation the previous year. We won the case after doing a detailed neuropsychological evaluation.
Additions to this list would be appreciated, and can be sent to
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