The Brief Evaluation is a specially designed 4-5 hour test battery that consists of an intelligence test, attention and concentration measures, reading speed and comprehension, and a personality assessment. Testing is done by a graduate student or a recent Ph.D./Psy.D., supervised by Dr. Thomas. A short report is written to explain the findings.
The Brief Evaluations are not designed for children under 16, and it does not qualify as proof of ADD or LD in high stakes testing situations, such as extra time for the GRE, MCAT, or LSAT. The Brief Evaluations may not be sufficient for college disability offices; you have to ask what tests they require.
Brief Evaluations are $1000. A $300 deposit with an agreement form must be sent to Dr. Thomas before the appointment date. The balance is due on the day of testing. These evaluations are NOT covered by insurance. Testing is done in one day (4-5hrs), for maximum efficiency.
If you are interested in the Brief Evaluations, click here to inquire or make an appointment. The hours of these evaluations are limited to Monday-Wednesday from 9:30am-4:00pm. Reports are completed in 2 weeks after completed payment.
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