Biofeedback is a non-pharmaceutical method of treatment in which patients are trained to control their own physiology in order to improve physical and psychological health.
Example- a patient who is trained to control his/her temperature can help manage the symptoms of headaches as well as enhance general relaxation.
How does Biofeedback Work?
Biofeedback has been shown to be effective in treating the following conditions:
What are the benefits of biofeedback?
What is biofeedback used to treat?
Click on the article titles below to read more about biofeedback.
Important Aspects of Biofeedback
Common Modalities Used in Biofeedback
Biofeedback for Functional Abdominal Pain
Helping Migraines & Tension Headaches with Biofeedback
Helping TMD/TMJ (Joint Disorders) with Biofeedback
Implications of Incorporating Biofeedback into Healthcare
This video shows a Biofeedback Demonstration produced by The Brain Clinic in New York City.
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